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邵旭升:博士,教授,博士生导师。2009年7月毕业于华东理工大学应用化学专业,导师李忠教授。2012年至2013年在美国加州大学伯克利分校john e. casida教授课题组进行农药的毒理、代谢和作用机制研究。主要研究方向为绿色农药创制与应用、光药理学、杀虫剂作用的生物学机制。在pnas、j. agric. food chem.、insect biochem. mol. biol.等杂志发表sci论文100多篇,其中第一或通讯作者论文60多篇;申请国内外专利50多项,获中国专利授权6项,国外专利授权21项;是新烟碱杀虫剂哌虫啶和环氧虫啶的主要发明人;国内外重大学术会议邀请报告20多次;获中国专利优秀奖、中国农药工业协会农药创新贡献奖-技术创新奖一等奖和二等奖各一项,获上海市优秀博士论文以及上海市科创杯一等奖2次。作为项目负责人承担国家重点研发计划子课题、国家自然科学基金、上海市科技创新行动计划,澳大利亚dc研究基金等多项科研项目。
1. 绿色农药创制
2. 光药理学
3. 农药毒理学
4. 合成方法学
xusheng shao*. azobenzene-isoxazoline as photopharmacological ligand for optical control of insect gaba receptor and behavior. pest manag. sci. 2022, 78, 467-474.
2) zhi, qiao, wen fu, yongchao zhang, ruijia chen, zhiping xu, zhong li, xusheng shao*. azobenzene-semicarbazone enables optical control of insect sodium channel and behavior,j. agric. food chem. 2021, 51, 15554-155561.
3) shaoqing du, qinglong yuan, xueping hu, wen fu, qi xu, ziyi wei, jiazheng xu, xusheng shao*, xuhong qian*. synthesis and biological activity of novel antifungal leads: 3,5-dichlorobenzyl ester derivatives. j. agric. food chem. 2021, 69, 15521-15529.
4) yaoyao du, zhongli shao, qi xu, zhong li, xusheng shao*.azobenzene-avermectin b1a derivatives for optical modulation of insect behaviors. j. agric. food chem. 2021, 69, 15530-15537.
5) wen fu, qinglong yuan, xinyue hu, xujuan sun, zhiping xu, yang zhang, jiagao cheng, yonghao ye, zhong li, xusheng shao*. azo-incorporating increases inhibitory activity of succinate dehydrogenase. j. agric. food chem. 2021, 69, 13448-13459.
6) qi xu, hao feng, xusheng shao*. light-induced activities of novel naphtho[1,8-ef]isoindole-7,8,10(9h)-trione and oxoisoaporphine derivatives towards mosquito larvae. bioorg. med. chem. lett. 2021, 48, 128225-128231.
7) qi xu, yunfan ji, meijun chen, xusheng shao*. 4-hydroxyl-oxoisoaporphine, one small molecule as theranostic agent for simultaneous fluorescence imaging and photodynamic therapy as type ii photosensitizer. photochem. photobio. sci. 2021, 20, 501-512.
8) xusheng shao. photoresponsive pesticidal agents. (chapter 18), p297-310. recent highlights in the discovery and optimization of crop protection products. isbn 9780128210352, 2021.03.26, elsevier, london.isbn: 978-0-12-821035-2.
9) xusheng shao, zhong li, xuhong qian. research and development of green pesticide in china (chapter 5), p39-64. recent highlights in the discovery and optimization of crop protection products. isbn 9780128210352, 2021.03.26, elsevier, london.
10) long, wang, meijun, chen, shanshan xia, zhiping xu, yuxin li, xusheng shao*. azobenzene-diamides as photopharmacological ligands for insect ryanodine receptor. j. agric. food chem. 2020, 68, 49, 14409-14416.
11) cuncun zhou, liping ren, yunfan, ji, xusheng shao*. photochromic meta-diamides for optical modulation of ligand activity and neuron function.photochem. photobio. sci., 2020, 19, 854-857.
12) qi xu, yujun shen, yongchao zhang; xusheng shao*. pegylated cyanine dye nanoparticles as photothermal agents for mosquito and cancer cell control. bioorg. med. chem. lett. 2019, 29, 2398-2404.
13) yifei jing, qi xu, meijun chen, xusheng shao*. pyridone-containing phenalenone-based photosensitizer working both under light and in the dark for photodynamic therapy. bioorg. med. chem. 2019, 27, 2201-2208.
14) zhiping xu, zhenhong gao, xusheng shao*. light-triggered release of insecticidally active spirotetramat-enol. chin. chem. lett. 2018.29, 1648-1650.
15) qingqing hou, yifei jing, xusheng shao*. synthesis and insecticidal activities of 1,8-naphthyridine derivatives.chin. chem. lett. 2017, 28, 1723-1726.
16) zhenhong gao, yifei jing, donghui wang, zhiping xu, zhong li, xusheng shao*. photo-controlled release of fipronil from a coumarin triggered precursor. bioorg. med. chem. lett. 2017, 27, 2528-2535.
17) yanan zhang, yian feng, zhong li, xusheng shao*. synthesis and insecticidal evaluation of phytoalexin phenalenones derivatives. chin. chem. lett. 2017, 28, .
18) xue tian, chao zhang, qi xu, zhong li and xusheng shao*. azobenzene-benzoylphenylureas as photoswitchable chitin synthesis inhibitors. org. biomol. chem. 2017, 15, 3320-3323.
19) runjiang song, yian feng, donghui wang, zhiping xu, zhong li, xusheng shao*. phytoalexin phenalenone derivatives inactivate mosquito larvae and root-knot nematode as type-ⅱ photosensitizer. sci. rep. 2017, 7, 42058.
20) yian feng, minming zou, runjiang song, xusheng shao*, zhong li, xuhong qian. formation of 1,4,2-dithiazolidines or 1,3-thiazetidines from 1,1-dichloro-2-nitroethene and phenylthiourea derivatives. j. org. chem. 2016, 81, 10321-10327.
21) shen li, runjiang song, donghui wang, xue tian, xusheng shao*, zhong li. azopyridine-imidacloprid derivatives as photoresponsive neonicotinoids. chin. chem. lett. 2016, 27, 635-639.
22) zhiping xu, lina shi, danping jiang, jiagao cheng, xusheng shao*, zhong li. azobenzene modified imidacloprid derivatives as photoswitchable insecticides: steering molecular activity in a controllable manner. sci. rep. 2015, 5, 13962.
23) nanyang chen, xiaoqing meng, fengjuan zhu, jiagao cheng, xusheng shao*, zhong li*. tetrahydroindeno[1’,2’:4,5]pyrrolo[1,2-a]imidazol-5(1h)-ones as novel neonicotinoid insecticides: reaction selectivity and substituent effects on the activity level. j. agric. food chem. 2015, 63, 1365-1369.
24) minming zou, nanyang chen, liping ren, xusheng shao*, zhong li. a novel and facile synthesis of 2-oxo-1,2-dihydropyridine-fused 1,3-diazaheterocycles via heterocyclic ketene aminals and knoevenagel adducts formed by phthalic anhydride and ethyl cyanacetate. chin. chem. lett. 2014, 25, 1515-1519.
25) nanyang chen, minming zou, xue tian, fengjuan zhu, danping jiang, xusheng shao*, zhong li* isomerization of ninhydrin-heterocyclic ketene aminals adducts: kinetic versus thermodynamic control, solvents dependency and mechanism.eur. j. org. chem. 2014, 28, 6210-6218.
26) nanyang chen, liping ren, zhiping xu, minming zou, xusheng shao*, xiaoyong xu, zhong li*. design, synthesis and insecticidal activity of spiro heterocycle containing neonicotinoid analogues. chin. chem. lett. 2014, 25, 197-200.
27) xusheng shao*, shanshan xia, kathleen a. durkin, john e. casida*. insect nicotinic receptor interactions in vivo with neonicotinoid, organophosphorus and methylcarbamate insecticides and a synergist. proc. natl. acad. sci. u.s.a. 2013, 110, 17273–17277.
28) xusheng shao, tami l. swenson, john e. casida*. cycloxaprid insecticide: nicotinic acetylcholine receptor binding site and metabolism. j. agric. food chem. 2013, 61, 7883–7888.